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Key Items That You Need To Include In Your Emergency Bunker

It is becoming common for US homeowners to invest in emergency preparedness. Whether one has a safe room in their home or they have an underground bug out shelter, it is vital to ensure that it is stocked up with the essential tools and supplies for the turbulent times.

The world is very fragile, and individuals are facing numerous problems that include the atrocities and natural disasters, but when one is kitting their house, they are usually taken to be crazy. However, this attitude is fast slipping away and even the individuals who might not have embraced the idea of emergency preparedness are eager to ensure that they join the safety trend.

Have you ever asked yourself this question, what would you do and where will you go when you are faced by a natural disaster, a government shutdown or even any other factors that will push you to leave your home? Most individuals are keen to ensure that they have a safe room, which can be located above or below the ground, in the house or out in an isolated location. There is the need for one to ensure that their bunker will have the following items which will help you to get past the turbulent times.

When one emerges out of the bunker, if you eventually have to use it, they need to be prepared to face anything. Debris will be all over in the case of a natural disaster or when you are faced with a physical attack, and when one has their safe room located in the woods, it is advisable that one purchases a bowsaw that they can use to cut pieces of wood that might be blocking your path. We have determined the best bowsaw that you can view here.

When stocking your bunker, you should ensure that there is sufficient food and water that will be necessary for your survival. It is desirable that one avoids stocking their bunker with perishable food, but instead stock the bunker with canned foods such as dried food and vegetables as well as the snacks that are known to have a long shelf life.

Even though one will be down and secure in the safe room, it is likely that an accident can occur. When one gets a small cut, it is possible that it will be infected, and one will not have the chance to summon medical help, thus the need to have a fully stocked first aid kit which helps you to treat the ailments as well as the injuries.

Insulated and warm clothing is also essential considering that it is very cold underground in your emergency bunker. When picking garments to store in your shelter, there is the need to focus on functionality over fashion.

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