Techniques for Growing Cannabis
Marijuana, is the other name that cannabis is known among others. It is mostly used for medical purposes, recreational purposes and at time spiritual purposes. It is a vegetation the do in a wide range of climates, indoors and in green houses all seasons of the year. To grow your own cannabis will need you to have the techniques that I am going to show below.
Have a clear goal. Just the way find it easy o grow any other plant like the vegetables should be the same with cannabis. Let fear and intimidation not get into you. The cost of growing cannabis will as you perceive it. You should make informed decisions to maximize your yields.
Choose your cannabis seeds properly. Investigate which hybrid of cannabis grows best in your area. Depending on your taste and the solution you want for you ailment select the appropriate seeds. You will be able to choose the appropriate seeds by doing that research.
Research the growth requirements of your cannabis. In order to attain the best yields, you will needs to find out what amount of light the cannabis will require, the type of soil that will be suitable for your cannabis, the amount of air needed, water, temperature, nutrients and humidity. The said aspects influence the growth of different hybrids.
Find a good location for your marijuana. Growing this plant is similar to human life. To avoid being worried all the time you will need a god location. The areas to consider will be outdoor or indoor. Monitoring will be possible if you select a good location.
At the vegetation stage of the growth of the cannabis, you should be able to get the right pesticides that prevent pests from harming it. You should be able to identify when the flowers starts to bloom so that you give the plants the required amount of light. The location will determine. Know how your cannabis looks when it has matured and ready for harvesting.
Find the suitable time to harvest your cannabis. The plant will start to change appearance in waves. It will go from clear to milky and then to amber. The flowers will swell and seem to have turned inside out.
The harvesting can be removing all the leaves while the plant is still standing and then cut it, or remove the large leaves then hang the whole plant.
At last, dry and cure your cannabis. Put your cannabis in a dark cool and dry place. It should not exceed a period of two weeks. The changes that will occur is than the thin branches will snap while the thick ones will be slight flexible after it dries. At this point all you need is just packaging your cannabis. Place your cannabis in a dry well sealed glass jar that has an opening that will let humid exit.