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Features that the Pink River Dolphin Has

The pink dolphin facts state that they are spirits that can sing and at times they can change their shapes . When the dolphins transform their looks, they can move from one place to the other without being facing any challenges. There are some people who believe in the pink dolphin facts that the pink dolphins are able to change things like the weather . The pink dolphin facts states that, just like most of the dolphins, they are social and not afraid of any human being . Most of the people think that the pink dolphins are people who turn into dolphins. The pink dolphin facts states that the dolphin can move its head from one side to the other unlike other types of dolphins.

These dolphins dont move very fast, because as they are moving, they are always looking for their next meal as it is in the pink dolphin fact . The dolphin can change its color into pink . They change their colors according to their mood . Most of the river dolphins become light on their look when they are excited . Most of the scientist who are studying about the dolphins find it hard to define where these animals get their color of pink. When a pink river dolphin is growing it is always grey in color but as time passes it is always change its color into pink . The pink dolphin facts states that the dolphin lives a solitary life but that does not mean that they do not fight with other dolphins . When the pink river dolphin is changing color it might be a way of its habitation . As the pink river dolphin is growing old, their skin becomes lighter and one might see they look pink while the color is always the blood channels being seen . Most of the pink dolphin facts prove that the dolphins spend their life time deep in the waters. In case the water level decreases or increases in the pink river the dolphins will have to change their homes .

When the water increases in the rivers , it makes it easier for the pink river dolphins to move up to the small rivers because when the water level is high they can move with ease . The pink river dolphins swim in the water and do not leap out of the water like how other dolphins do and they do not have the tail fin hence it is hard to identify the dolphins when they are themselves . Due to people polluting the basin of the rivers where the dolphins live, it has become a threat to their homes.

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